It all started with a ruptured colon! Donna Ogle ended up in the hospital for a reattachment of her colon following the removal of an ostomy bag, but the relatively quick procedure ended up leading to 2 ½ weeks in the hospital. The day after her surgery, she developed an infection, so a second surgery was required. Then they found a tear in her small intestine, so she had to be completely opened up again.
“It was so hard, but there was so much love.” And here's how God’s goodness shone through it all:
“About two weeks before the surgery, I was asked by a friend to photograph a bridal shower. I hadn’t known the bride, but we just clicked. I loved her so much. Her name is Katie and I learned that she was a nurse. Fast forward to the day of my third surgery. The nurse walked in the room and said, ‘Hi, I’m Katie, and I’m your nurse today.’ I asked, ‘Did you just get married a few weeks ago?” Katie replied, “Donna! I’m so glad to see you, but not here.’ Katie immediately prayed over me and was such a huge blessing.” While in the ICU recovering and after two blood transfusions, Katie kept being there to encourage and support Donna. “And this was during Covid, when I was not allowed any visitors.”
Dr. Kim who was attending Donna figured out she was a Christian and whispered, “I am, too.” “He would have been watching out for me anyway, but now there was a bond between us, and he was so responsive whenever I needed anything.”
And then there was the phlebotomist – I said to her, “Oh, I’m just praying it’s a good result.” She immediately responded, “In the name of Jesus, I ask for the blood to be good.” “And there was a new nurse I had for one day who got on her knees, held my hand, and prayed for me before my second surgery.”
“God was sending me all these people to let me know He was right there with me every day. I never felt, ‘this is awful, and I can’t have any friends with me.’ I always felt God’s presence and protection no matter what happened.” She even felt it when, after being fed intravenously for ten days, with tubes and wires coming out of her every which way, a nurse said, “When I saw I got you today, I was happy because you’re so nice, but you’re so much work." “ God is so, so good.”
“He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.” Psalm 91:4