We Believe…

  • There is one God who exists as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in a community of joyful love who is the glorious perfection of all that is true and good and right. 

  • The Old and New Testament Scriptures are God’s Word and are authoritative for our faith and practice. 

  • Human beings, created in God’s image, are greatly loved by God. But all of us have sinned and are separated and estranged from God, from each other, and from creation as God originally intended it to be. 

  • Jesus Christ, fully God and fully human, is the unique and ultimate revelation of who God is and what God does. He lived, died, and rose again for us—so we can be forgiven and free to live a new life with God. Jesus is our Lord, Leader, Teacher, and Friend, who now reigns over all with God the Father and the Holy Spirit. 

  • The Holy Spirit is God himself who lives in, strengthens and enlightens all who trust and follow Jesus. 

  • The church is the Spirit-led, Spirit-empowered community of Jesus’ followers through whom God works to bring people back to himself and bless his world. 

  • God, who created the whole world good, is at work renewing and restoring it. We anticipate Jesus’ return when God will fully restore His creation.