Global Missions


Christchurch Christian Community Care Center (5 Cees)

The 5 Cees, located in the Hilbrow district of Johannesburg, looks after all the daily needs of more than 75 children from nearby townships, with a focus on academics and sharing the love of Jesus. The staff of 20 at the 5 Cees provides protection, counseling, meals, transportation to and from schools, clothing, books, academic assistance and learning tools.  Ajith Sunker, as CEO, directs the vision of the Center and his wife, Sarah, runs the day-to-day operations.  Started in 2000 by Ajith’s parents, Mike and Renu Sunker, the Center currently is in a converted hotel that has been renovated by various local and international missions teams. In July 2022, a team of 16 people, sponsored by Spectrum Church, visited the Center and refurbished 5 rooms into education spaces; painting, mounting smart TV’s and white boards, then connecting the TV’s to a network where they can receive online instruction. 


Located in the hills just north of Durban, South Africa, this Community Center was founded by Buhle and Themba Bhembe, missionaries from Soweto, Johannesburg. The center they built combines after school study areas, a library, a medical clinic, and a food preparation kitchen. Their mission is to provide life skills and gospel encouragement to the residents of this very needy area. The well they drilled provides free water for anyone that needs it. A team from Spectrum Church built a playground for the children (in conjunction with Kids Around the World).


Pastor Solomon Fasanmade and his wife, Grace, are missionaries from Nigeria with a vision to bring Christian value-based education to the youth of Eswatini. They have built a high school with dormitories and classrooms, and are currently serving about 20 students. Spectrum Church helped build a playground and a geodesic dome for New Life Academy.

In addition to the above, Spectrum supports other international ministries.