Spectrum Church Sermons
To learn more about Spectrum Church Irvine, our beliefs, mission and vision, we invite you to scroll down to watch and listen to these sermons online. Select Sermon Series Summary from the Resource list for key points from the most recent series.
Advent Sermon Series: The Mothers of Jesus
In his Gospel, Matthew begins his account of the story of Jesus with Jesus' genealogy. Ancient genealogies normally listed only the names of men, but Jesus' genealogy is striking and surprising in that it includes the names of several women. This Advent season we look at these women's stories, and consider why their inclusion in the genealogy of Jesus means good news for us all.
The Kingdom of Heaven
Throughout the Gospels, Jesus repeatedly preaches and teaches on "the kingdom of heaven" (or "the kingdom of God") as the central and foundational theme of his ministry. So in order to understand Jesus--who he is, why he came, what he said, what he did, and what it all means for us--we have to understand what the kingdom is about. In this short series (that begins a series of series based in Matthew's Gospel), we explore this underlying theme of Jesus' mission and ministry and its impact on us.