On Mission in El Salvador

By Elijah Spence

Thank you all for being so supportive of my mission trip to El Salvador!  I thought I would share how it went so that you might be able to understand what we did, why we did it, and how it has affected my life.

On our first day, a Monday, we visited a boys orphanage.  The boys didn't speak English but were thrilled to have us there.  We played basketball, volleyball, and soccer with them.  It was extremely fun, and we made some great connections.  On Tuesday, we went to an adult home for the disabled and played lots of soccer and also danced.  It was nice because the people were so open to socializing with us, and they taught us simple phrases in Spanish.  That evening, different groups prepared meals and went out in pairs to feed some of the homeless.   

On Wednesday, the boys started a house build, while the girls went to help with the local girls that were attending Quinceanera.  The guys worked on the foundation and made sure the area was cleared for the house.  Keep in mind that this house was not large - only one room - but it would be much more than they had before.  We went back on Thursday to finish the house and by the end of the day, gave the family of five the keys to a home that we filled with furniture.  We spent the rest of the day bringing food and supplies to families in need in the same village.

Friday was the Quinceanera, and the girls did most of the work that day getting all of the 25 girls ready that were turning 15 years old.  The boys got to relax and watch a movie in Spanish until it was time for the party.  We paired up with the Quinceanera girls and walked them in to have pictures taken with us, then socialized and danced until the party ended around midnight.

We packed up on Saturday, but before leaving went to the park with a kindergarten class to play with them and have lunch.  They were probably the most social group we interacted with as they loved having piggyback rides.  They wore us down very quickly, but it was a really nice experience.  We then left for the airport after saying our goodbyes to the translators that we got to know so well.

This experience was amazing. Throughout the entire trip, I felt more connected with God than ever. Being able to go and share our time and resources with people who are less fortunate is something that God commands us to do.  I felt close to God during the days where we were helping families and even when doing small things like playing basketball with some of the kids.  I was able to grow in my relationship with Jesus and am looking forward to being able to search for more trips similar to this.  I was able to make so many new friends, both with the people at Sus Hijos and even new friends at my school.  It changed my perspective on God's creation and opened more opportunities to help others and share his word.  Again, thank you for your support.