Reflections from the L.A. Mission Team

Earlier this summer, our church sent a team of junior highers and two adult leaders to serve for a week in inner-city Los Angeles. A few of them shared in a worship service a few weeks after they returned, and the team recently got back together for a team dinner. Here are some reflections from the mission trip:

"The best part of the mission trip was just being able to serve and let the Spirit lead and guide us. I enjoyed being able to have fun and laugh while working hard and being aware and thoughtful. The hardest part for me was seeing how bad and rough it is for others. It breaks my heart, and I wish I could do so much more for them. I saw Jesus at work in those we served in their gratitude and pure joy as we helped them. An elderly lady I gave cake to said, "Thank you, you're a gift from God, and I love to see youngsters serve." I experienced Jesus working in me when I felt him urging me to stop by a certain person or even do a small thing that makes a big impact. I've experienced humility and serving others before myself." --Amy F.

"I enjoyed working at St. Francis [food pantry] the most. ... I saw Jesus at work when people told us how grateful they were that we were volunteering. ... I saw Jesus in myself when I got the homeless people everything they needed. One area of growth I experienced in my relationship with God was empathy." --Danee V.

"Some of the people we served said, "God bless you" to us. That was really inspiring to me that they have God in their hearts even through the tough times they are going through! After going on the mission trip, I now see God in a different way. I see how he moves in other people and feel like I am growing to understand how he moves in me. While I was on the trip, I saw crosses out in nature; some were even captured in the pictures we took. For example, two blades of grass made Jesus' cross. I feel God was showing me how he is always with us!" --London G.

"I enjoyed serving others and meeting all the amazing people. The hardest part of the trip was going through places like Skid Row and seeing all the pain and suffering. I saw Jesus' work through all the organizations that are working to support the people of LA. Some examples are some of the people we met who were volunteering and taking off time from work and other activities to serve others. Jesus helped me to be compassionate to others because you don't know what they are going through." --Lukas B.

"Serving the people of LA and getting to hang out with everyone again [was what I enjoyed the most]. ... I just saw the joy in people's faces when I gave them food. I just felt good about giving back to the community. I felt God and strengthened my relationship while serving at skid row." --Mandy S.

Praise God for these young people and Jesus working in and through them as they served and gave of themselves!