Is This A Crazy Idea?


Aaron S.

When I opened my email, that's the first thing I read.  "Tell me what you think:  We are going to be doing the Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.  What about talking with Patti to see if this is a project that our neighbor businesses would join with us in doing?"

Risk makes us feel a little unsure, and I could tell Dorothy's email had some hesitation. But I thought, crazy? No, not crazy. It's fantastic! Immediately I responded back.  "I think it's so great ... I think God's leading you. :-)"

Just a week earlier, Julie Waterman volunteered to lead Spectrum to participate in Operation Christmas Child through Samaritan's Purse. Our goal is to fill 100 shoeboxes with gifts for children around the world.  But God was showing us that this isn't just for us. God took it a step further and wanted us to invite our neighbors to join. What better way for them to experience God's love than for THEM to share it with others?

So here's what happened when we contacted, Patti, our property manager, to get permission. She responded, "This is a great idea! I will definitely participate. What I can do for you is send out an email blast to all the tenants. So if you want to draft something…I will be happy to send it out to everyone, but you can count me in on picking up some goodies between now and December."  What a confirmation of God's leading.  Dorothy and I were feeling so encouraged.

As soon as Patti sent the email out to our complex, three businesses responded that day.  God is so faithful when we step out in faith. It started as just a seed with Julie's initiative, then Dorothy took it one more step to ask Patti, then Patti was excited, and God only knows how wide the gates will open.

It was risky to take each step. None of us likes to hear the word "no."  But if we sense God's leading, the Holy Spirit will lead us along the way, and God will accomplish his plans. It's our responsibility to have enough faith so we don't miss out. 

If you would like to participate in Operation Christmas Child, please contact Julie Waterman at