


Anne D.

In prayer this morning, I reached for insight and asked why?………why, as I'm getting ready to downsize and move to Regents Point, did I so readily decide to give the profit from my "garage" sale to our church.  Here’s why.

We are family - better together with God’s love wrapped around us.  A family member helps another family member get up and get going whenever possible, especially when the need is obvious.  I had excess.  I had no need for “old treasures."  They remain only as memories, but now is now, and God has me on the move. 

Worldly treasures are nothing compared to the blessings of our small prayer group.  When we prayed together in my small cottage, I was blessed. Remarkably, I felt it as well.

Praise God Spectrum is growing.

Our struggle to separate from a big tree is like a transplanted branch that needs to establish deep roots. I trust Spectrum will continue building roots in God’s design.