Serving Jesus in Croatia

By Abigail Schweizer

Earlier this summer, one of our college students, Abigail Schweizer, served on a short-term mission trip with Cru for six weeks. Here she shares with us what she experienced of God during that time ..."

I’m back from my summer mission trip! My time in Croatia was so fruitful. My team was made up of Cru staff and students from all over the US who modeled what it means to truly live life for Jesus. Every day in Rijeka was special. Tuesdays through Saturdays, we’d meet students at the University of Rijeka, or at a cafe or the beach. On Sundays we’d go to church and connect with Croatian believers. On Mondays we got to be tourists! We visited nearby towns like Pula and Ravine, the island of Krk, and the Plitvice Lakes National Park, which houses startlingly blue lakes and waterfalls. Each location showed more and more of God’s beautiful creation.

Throughout the six weeks, we studied 2 Corinthians and learned what it means to be ambassadors for Christ. I was able to apply what I learned from our discussions as I met with Lorena, Nensi, Ena, Ivana, Paula, and my other Croatian friends. It was wonderful to be able to sit with people over coffee or gelato and talk about our lives, culture, and spiritual journeys.

One of the best experiences happened toward the end of the trip, when Andelyn and Trevor, two of my team members, and I shared the gospel with Lorena, a girl who works at the gelato stand in Korzo, the city center. My team connected with Lorena from the very beginning of our time in Rijeka, because at least two or three of us would buy gelato every day, chat with her, and get to know her. God orchestrated countless meetings between Lorena and my team, and we were able to love her as she wrestled through difficulties at work and at home. When Andelyn, Trevor, and I finally shared about Jesus with Lorena, it was so special to see her face light up as she connected the dots of the gospel. After that conversation, we learned that she had just started working at the gelato stand the day my team arrived in Rijeka. She told us she’d started to connect with a youth group during the month before our arrival, but stopped attending because she had to work. Her face was filled with joy as she recognized that God brought a community of believers to her when she couldn’t attend the youth group anymore. After this conversation, my whole team was amazed at how good God is, and how endlessly he pursues every one of us!

God taught me so much about letting go of my plans and expectations, presenting my requests to Him through prayer, and trusting Him as He orchestrated each day for His glory. Thank you Spectrum Church and everyone who donated for your prayers, encouragement, and financial support! Without your partnership my mission trip might not have been possible. Please join me in praying that the people in Croatia would hear and accept the gospel, and that God would continue to work in Lorena, Nensi, Ena, Ivana, Paula, and all my other Croatian friends’ lives as He reveals Himself to them. I encourage you to be open to serving in ministry or missions as the Lord leads you!