No Reserves, No Retreat, No Regrets

Dorothy B.


I knew I was getting into something way beyond my comfort zone. I even prayed as we walked down the sidewalk. "God, you know I get really nervous about things like this. Please help me not to trip up on my words. Please be in our conversations." 
Aaron and I set out this week to pray for, bless, and connect with our business park neighbors by delivering 8 goodie baskets filled with snacks.  Thanks to Susan C., we had a beautifully packaged array of treats to offer the office workers in our business complex.  We stepped into the first business, and all my fears came to a head.  We were met by a very unhappy man who wanted nothing to do with us.  "No thanks," he said.  "I'm not interested."  I thought about sinking back to the Spectrum ministry center. Then I remembered what we were taught by Gary Watkins in service last Sunday – no reserves ... no retreat ... no regrets.


We decided to re-start on friendly ground by going to the management office where we were known.  The complex manager was delighted to see us and genuinely touched by our gift.  We stayed and chatted awhile, letting her know how blessed we feel to be part of this business community.

Armed with a good experience and feeling God's presence, we set off to another business whose name I was familiar with.  After learning about the business for a few minutes from the receptionist, she called out the other staff members.  We were met with “praise Jesus” when we told them a church is now part of the neighborhood and made a great connection as these ladies talked of their involvement with the homeless community and with pregnant teens.  We said, "Let's get lunch some time," and arranged to talk again. 

Then Aaron said, "Let's go visit the deli!" The deli? Really?  Bringing treats to a deli? He said "Why not?" so off we went. As soon as we walked in, the owner asked if we were from Spectrum Church because he’d seen our banner when he came in on a Sunday.  We learned about him and his wife, and that they have two boys, including a newborn of a few weeks.  Now when we go for lunch (and I recommend you try it sometime as everything is fresh and delicious), we can connect with them by name.

We didn’t get to the other 5 baskets today, which was actually a surprise. We never dreamed that we would have such interesting conversations – but we’ll be back out there tomorrow.  There are many businesses in our complex, and our plan is to visit a few each month with some gift to show we care and we pray that we would be an encouragement to everyone we meet. 

Won’t you consider joining us? I was so energized after our time, and God took all my jitters away.  It was so great to meet the wonderful people around us, to make connections, and begin new relationships. I know He’ll do that for you, too.

Special thanks also to Kathy Z. and Del V. for their awesome baking skills!