Sharing A Meal

In the early parts of Jesus' ministry, he spent a great deal of time in prayer and relationship with those around him.  Early Christians continued to walk in these footsteps of Jesus and were known for their hospitality.   

We would like to do the same as a community, enjoying many dinners, lunches, breakfasts, coffee times, walks, etc. as we build community with one another and invite others into the body God is building in our midst.

Ed on a recent trip to Tijuana Christian Mission. 

Ed on a recent trip to Tijuana Christian Mission. 

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, 
just as in fact you are doing."  1 Thessalonians 5:11  

Ed N. shared one experience:  "You in the office today? I’m across the street at a meeting.”  This was the text I got from Steve.  It was code for, “Let’s get together.”  I love those kinds of texts.  I love opportunities to meet with friends, however brief, to hear what God is doing in their lives, to encourage and be encouraged to a deeper and stronger faith in Christ.  

Steve and I met at Costco for some hotdogs (you gotta love the price!).  But it wasn’t that the total bill was under $4 (Steve bought this time), but the opportunity to first pray and give thanks, then just listen and share.  I was appreciative to learn more about Steve and to have a better insight into what his daily work life entails, and how I can pray for him.  I was thankful for Steve listening to me as well.  There’s a sense of Christ-like calm and peace that Steve imparts that is truly a blessing."

We encourage you take a step out of the boat.  Ask God to show you who you might invite to connect over a meal or another activity.  When you are together, try to get to know that person and his/her story.  Share your story, too!  And ask how you can pray for one another.  Watch what God does!