When God Calls Out To You


As Christians, we know that God seeks us, and that He wants to be in relationship with us.  But when you’ve never known the one true God before, when you’re confused about what god you’re praying to, how do you know he is present in your life?

At a Friendsgiving meeting at the Dietz’s home this past month, each of the people attending had a chance to share what they were thankful for.  Mei shared, “On a recent school holiday, I was taking care of my grandsons (ages 11 and 9).  They were busy doing their homework, so I joined them at the table and began softly reading through the lesson from my Bible study.  When I read John 3:16, all of a sudden, my younger grandson shouted out, ‘Is that John 3:16?’  I was startled that they knew this verse, and he was just as startled that I was reading it!  He had learned this at his church, but we had never talked about the Bible.  I never even had a Bible before!  I asked, ‘Should we all read this together?’ and they agreed.”

Mei is a new Christian and has been at Spectrum Church for about six weeks. She has been studying the Bible after church with the Dietz’s and the Fishers, who brought her to SCI.  She shared how she feels an excitement that she’s never felt before.  And she will continue to read the Bible with her grandchildren.

“I know now that God has been at work in my heart over recent years, and this was one more indication to me that I am on the right track.”  Having grown up as a Buddhist, Mei used to go to the temple to pray, “but no one ever talks to you, and the Buddhist texts are in an old language that is difficult to understand.  Now, when I come to Spectrum Church, I feel God’s love through others – there is so much love energy.  I learn from the sermons, then come home to study them more.  When we sing, I feel a great connection, and sometimes it makes me cry.  I am really feeling touched by God.”