What Are You Thankful For?

This Thanksgiving we are celebrating the meaningful, surprising, and fun ways God has shown himself in our lives this past year. Each day we will share a little story highlighting God's faithfulness from someone in the Spectrum Church family. We hope this helps you connect with each other and with our amazing, loving God during this season of gratitude.



(Day 7 of 7) I am thankful for all the children that God put in my path this year.  As a teacher: my students who allow me to be Christ to them every school day by loving them and caring for them, and the way they show their love to me by saying hello, goodbye and asking about my day/weekend.  As a father: the way Emma, Zach and Erin love me; their friends, as only with God’s power can they show His love; and finally the kids that will play on the playgrounds that I had the privilege of installing. I am a better husband, friend and Christian because of all the good He has shown me this year!  And I praise God for the wife and friend that He gave to me almost 26 years ago. Julie supports me in all I do for God’s kingdom.  - Chuck W.


(Day 6 of 7) I am thankful for the Lord's undertaking for my Dad's hospital stay this past summer.  And praise God that the C-Pap machine the doctors wanted me to get ended up being covered in full by my work insurance so I did not have to purchase one out of pocket. - Deloy S.

I am extremely thankful for my sisters and brothers in Christ at Spectrum Church Irvine and WBS who gave me encouragement during my anxious three weeks with my sister's recent broken hip, hospitalization, rehab, and recovery.  So many of you have reached out to me in so many ways including your prayers, hugs, phone calls, texts, emails, and visits.  I cannot imagine life without each and everyone of you.  Thanks be to God! - Karen S.



(Day 5 of 7) I am so thankful for Spectrum Church. When I left my last church, I felt I had lost my church family. I didn't know what I was going to do. To start all over again in an established church, one that was true to God's word, was very daunting. Then I heard of the new beginnings at Spectrum, where I would be in the company of some of my former church friends. What a wonderful blessing, especially at my age, to feel I again have a familiar family of faith around me. - Del V.


Learning to knit rather complex patterns to make an afghan was a huge surprise to this non-creative woman. The best part has been getting to know my knitting mentor, Camille, and her husband, Bob. They have become dear friends. Thank you God for these treasures. - Barbara B.



(Day 4 of 7) My friend called two days before our November teachers’ sorority meeting. She was struggling to process the horrendous events in the neighborhood in Pittsburgh where she lived and taught years ago. The anti-Semitic attack at the Tree of Life Synagog was a personal attack on her and her faith.  “Would you be willing to address this event during your part of our meeting?” she asked.  

What did I have to offer for comfort, enlightenment, or healing? Nothing!  But, I would try.

The next day, I turned on the radio to my Christian music station just as the announcer told a true story of the kindness of strangers.  Then I knew I was to balance human hate with God’s triumphant healing love.

I don’t remember just what I said at the meeting, but my friend said it was very helpful and comforting. - Susan C.



(Day 3 of 7)
Earlier this year, we were replacing our kitchen stove, and as a result, discovered a gas leak from a rusted pipe beneath our kitchen floor.  In retrospect, we are extremely grateful for this discovery – despite its huge inconvenience and expense – it likely saved us from an explosion or fire in the center of our home.  We are thankful for God’s ongoing protection and the wisdom He provided as we struggled through the process of finding and repairing the problem and then putting our kitchen back together. - Tami G.



(Day 2 of 7)
One of the things I am most thankful for is my dog, Robina. With the passing of my husband, Sam, I often feel lonely at home.  Robina seems to sense that and is always there to make me feel loved and happy. - Kathy Z.



(Day 1 of 7)
God surprised me this year on a flight from Charlotte to Asheville. I boarded last with one seat open and sat by a young man. In the empty seat beside him sat a Bible. I smiled and told him that I was also a Christian. During the flight, he gave me his testimony in a loud voice, so everyone on our plane could hear.  He had just been released from prison and was filled with joy to be returning home to his wife and baby.  On my flight before this one, I was seated next to a man who was writing letters for his prison ministry.  God gave me such an unexpected gift that I will never forget! - Donna O.