Discipling in our Neighborhood

“For with God nothing shall be impossible.” Luke 1:37

“I want to thank you for inviting me to your potluck dinner. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend due to a bad case of the flu. It is so wonderful and so kind to host and welcome everyone to your home!” This is how the thank you note started from one particular neighbor in response to Tami and Jim’s invitation to their community potluck.

After studying The Art of Neighboring with their community group, and seeing others in the group host activities, Tami and Jim decided to “step in with something easy." So they hosted an ice cream sundae party in their driveway. The neighbors were so enthusiastic about the opportunity that many wanted to do another, which led to another neighbor volunteering her backyard for appetizers. At that gathering, they all collected each other's emails and phone numbers, and someone else said, “We need to do a potluck next time." Once again Tami and Jim stepped up. Tami says, “I sent out flyers and knocked on doors to invite people. It turned out to be a fun day with lots of international food, and all but two families came.”

It was from this last invitation to gather for the potluck that the neighbor responded with her note. It went on to say that in so many neighborhoods, the greatest poverty is that people are unseen. “So these potluck dinners are something that is truly important. Thank you so much again. Hopefully, you have another one and I can come!”

Tami said, “The invitation touched something in this neighbor that was important and meaningful. Even by the invitation itself she felt included. It was a great encouragement to me and to my community group. We just never know when something is going to touch someone, to have an impact on them.” said Tami. “But God knows, and we just need to respond to his Great Commandment to love our neighbors.”


All the Way to Armenia

Chuck Waterman

Each Sunday, Gabe ends his message with, “God bless you, and God bless others through you.” These words stay with me. I always want to be ready to give an answer about the hope that is in me. When people hear about me going to Haiti on my Christmas break or all the way to Armenia, they ask me why I go. I tell them “to build playgrounds,” but also, to bless others with the knowledge of the hope I have in Christ.

I have always loved interacting with children, and a few years ago I got involved with an organization called Kids Around the World (KATW). After a trip with KATW to Mexico, God opened a door for me to get more involved. My wife, Julie, and I felt called to contact KATW to see what we could do. They recommended we be trained as installers. I don’t really know why God called me to this in particular, but I have realized more and more through my involvement that God loves children and wants them to come to him. He uses KATW to be a blessing to children, and for me it’s both an opportunity to serve kids as well as an opportunity to tell them and their families about Jesus.

I remember one young boy approached me on a trip to Armenia, and we talked through his broken English.  I gave him a knitted beanie, and the smile on his face was awesome. I pray constantly that God will use me in the lives of kids, but at the same time God blesses me when I witness their reactions. I love these trips because I see firsthand how my involvement goes beyond just sending money to actually impacting kid’s lives. 

We all have a different call, different chances to get out of the “pew” and do kingdom building. Everyone at Spectrum Church can get out there and do something, and then look forward to someone asking you why you do it.  And when it happens, that’s your chance!  Tell them about what Jesus has done for us through his death and resurrection!!  People will certainly respond to you in different ways, but as a friend of mine says, “Evangelism is a process and God is responsible for the results.”

Chuck is looking forward to returning to Armenia in September for a playground build. If you would like to know how you might support him, be sure to find him at church. He would love to share his heart for the gospel and for KATW with you!


Here With Me

By Angela W.

In March, I was let go from my position as corporate counsel for a financial services company, which I had held for more than 16 years.  I thank God that I just started a new position at a law firm, but for about two months, I was between jobs.  And the interesting thing is that I get creative when I'm between jobs.

The first time this happened was back in 2002, when I had a few days off after resigning from my first law firm position and before starting my in-house counsel position.  That's when I became pregnant with my first baby (that’s being creative, right?).  This time, my second time between jobs, I wrote a song.

I played this song for Ed, and he graciously invited me to share it during Sunday worship (and also provided invaluable help with some rewriting and arrangement).  I was hoping to humbly and anonymously slip it into the rotation like he's done with some of his songs – but no, he wanted me to tell you the story behind it.  Click here to read Angela's story...)

The song came to me in the early days of my unemployment. I was feeling pretty good at that point in time.  My layoff was related to downsizing and had nothing to do with my performance, and I have a strong resume and figured it would be easy for me to find something. But it's still an uncomfortable feeling to go through change, especially when you've been at a place for as long as I had. There were a couple of other things also adding to the feeling of instability.  I had just had a minor injury resulting in floaters in one eye, and although my retina checked out fine, the floaters were taking some time to get used to.  Also, Craig thought he might have broken his car, which was a bit concerning given our reduced household income. (It turns out he hadn't – it’s a good story and you should ask him about it sometime).

So anyways, I was going through some stress, but it wasn't too bad at the time.  One night a song came to me that is about taking comfort in God's presence in the midst of fear. It came to me just as I was getting ready for bed and kept me awake for what seemed like hours, working out all the words and melodic ideas that were coming to me.

I used to write songs many years ago, but I wasn't seeking to honor God back then.  Now, after a 20-plus year hiatus, my first song is a worship song, and the process of its creation has gone so much more smoothly than any other song I’ve worked on.  I believe the big difference is the Spirit’s presence, along with the time I've spent serving in worship and the years growing as a Christian and taking in Scripture.  You will find Gen. 16:13, Ps. 130:1, Ps. 139:5, Matt. 28:30, John 1:5, and 1 John 4:18 in the words of this song. 

As the weeks went by, I found this song to be a gift from God to comfort me.  As I applied for and didn't hear back regarding jobs that I felt well qualified for, it cut into my confidence.  I also had some unusual lab test results that had me rather worried for a few days until I heard from my doctor that everything looked OK.  So I had some tough days and found myself singing this song for assurance, and it really ministered to me.  I am hoping to soon be able to share this song with a musician friend who is not a believer and who is going through some difficult challenges as a result of his cancer treatment, and I am praying that music will open a door for Craig and me to speak with him about Christ. 

But in the meantime, please allow me to share this song, called Here With Me, with you all.

Making Disciples Where We Play - Even on the Pickleball Court


By Ed

A few months ago, I joined a Pickleball league in the city of Mission Viejo, in part to get some exercise but also to meet and connect with some new people in the community where Roxanne and I live.  At the last session of the league, a woman approached me while I was on the court warming up and said, “I need to talk to you.” She mentioned she had coincidentally met some mutual friends of ours where she learned a little bit of our story about losing a child and was given a CD that Roxanne and I had recorded.  She then began to share her own story of her 40-year-old daughter currently battling cancer. I could see we’d need more time to talk, so I asked if we could continue talking after the pickleball matches were over.

We did just that and were joined by her husband and two other pickleball players, both of whom also had children with serious medical issues.  After everyone had a chance to share, I offered to pray.  I was really elated afterward, and felt like the whole reason I joined the pickleball league was for such a time as this.

May the Lord continue to guide our paths to new opportunities in our communities to minister to those in need.

Being Disciples Where We Live, Work, and Play - In the Classroom


By Dorothy

"Kathy has been such a wonderful support in our classroom this year. We have been able to share her in the two 5th grade classrooms every Friday. She is always so flexible and willing to help however needed. Kathy always has a smile on her face and words of encouragement. We have grown to become good friends, and I would be honored to have her back next school year."

This is what one of the teachers shared about her experience with our On Board for Teachers Community Group volunteers.  Seven of us (5 from Spectrum; 2 from other churches) are spending a few hours one or two days each week at Culverdale Elementary in Irvine.  We are a group centered on Jesus and united on mission to bless teachers for the vital role they play in the lives of children and families.

It has been such an amazing experience for us to live out the mission of Spectrum Church in these elementary classrooms, and heartwarming to know the impact we are having on the teachers.  Another teacher commented, "Karen has been more than willing to help with anything this year. She is so wonderful with my kiddos, and they all love her. This time is so amazing and helps both my students and me. She is another loving figure for the students, and they crave her attention."

If you have a heart for teachers and a few hours each week to spare on a fairly regular basis, we would love to talk with you about joining our Community Group.  And please join us in praying for teachers everywhere as they make a lasting difference for generations to come.

Following Jesus Where We Live, Work, Play ... And Buy Cars?


First a disclaimer. This is not an advertisement for CarMax. But if you are looking for someone who is interested in talking about Jesus, you might want to drop in. 

As I was preparing to take a test drive at CarMax a few weeks ago, I got a phone call. I told Robert, my sales specialist, "I'm really sorry, but I have to take this." I ended up talking for 20 minutes while he waited in the car for me. I felt so bad. I kept thinking, "He probably has better things to do with his time."  I hung up the phone and said, "Thanks so much for your patience – I had been waiting for that call all day.  It was about one of my kids."

Robert asked how many kids I had, and I told him. He said he has two kids, one in middle school and one in high school. His oldest is a sophomore. We started to console each other on the challenges of teenagers, and then Robert said, "It's so important for me to be there for my kids and talk to them about the importance of emotional, mental, and spiritual health." 

"Huh," I thought to myself, what an interesting thing to say.”  Immediately my antenna went up, and I sensed the Holy Spirit saying, "That's your opportunity. Why don't you ask him if he's involved in a church?" So I did. "Are you involved in a church nearby?" He said no, but that he was Catholic. But with the recent sex abuse scandals in the Catholic Church, he had become disillusioned and didn't want to have anything to do with Catholicism right now. But, he said his faith was still really important to him. "Tell me more, I said ..."

Away we went on our conversation ... for the next hour. We went on a test drive ... and we talked. We walked across the lot ... and we talked. Then we were back in the office to do paperwork, and I kid you not, the conversation went on and on and he didn't flinch. 

Finally, I said, "Robert, are you sure you aren't going to get in trouble for talking to me for so long? Don't you need to keep selling me a car?" He said, "Not at all. I love this. I'll just tell them I was with a customer." “Okay, sounds good. I can do this all day,” I thought.

Well, eventually Robert and I closed the deal, and I traded in our ailing old car and drove off with a “newer” one from CarMax, but not before I invited Robert to Spectrum and asked him if we could get together again for coffee sometime. He said it's hard to make it to church on Sunday because he works all day, but I found out he lives half a block from St. Andrews Presbyterian in Newport Beach. I told him I knew the pastor, Chap Clark, and it's a really great church. He said he will definitely check it out, and if his schedule works out he will come to Spectrum. 

Robert sent me this text the other day after he asked how I was enjoying the new car and I wished him a happy Easter – "Hi Aaron, thank you, and I pray for you and your church. It is a privilege to know you. I will check St Andrews out. Yes, let’s stay in touch. Best, Robert"

You never know where your "Robert" will show up. God's vision for us is to be his disciples everywhere he puts us, even CarMax. Let's pray for one another and encourage each other to listen to the Holy Spirit, to ask questions when we meet people, and to cross bridges into spiritual conversations by simply asking about someone's background ... and when we do we will be used in unexpected ways to further God's kingdom.

Mei Yun's Baptism Testimony

After my husband passed away, I became a single grandma.  I commuted between Huntington Beach and Irvine to visit my son’s family.  Going to Irvine brought me a lot of joy.  But driving back to Huntington Beach to an empty house was a dark and lonely journey.  Friday nights and Sundays were the hardest.


One Sunday morning, I heard a voice telling me, “Go buy a house in Irvine today.”  I listened to that voice and found my house that same day.  Within half a year, I bought that house, sold my old house, and settled down in Irvine.

Everything happened so quickly and smoothly, I started to wonder, “Where did that voice come from?”

Soon I found out this move not only led me to be closer to my son’s family, but it also introduced me to my neighbors, Dorothy and Steve.  They invited me to their Friday night Community Group meeting.  Our group leader, Jennifer, taught me how to read the Bible.  This led me to join the Spectrum Church’s big family.

Through our church I experienced God’s grace and love.  It must be God’s voice of love that told me to be here.  He knows what I need, and he planned for it.  I am learning how to pray, and I can feel that God is listening.

Friday nights and Sundays have become meaningful and joyful to me.  I am so excited that I have known God more and more.  I feel safe and at peace.  With God’s presence, I am not alone.

On December 2, 2018, the day I committed to God, I tried to take a picture in my garden.  There I saw God’s light shine on my garden like I have never seen before.

I praise God…when I listen to his voice…when I see his light…when I feel his love.  I know I have hope.  I can establish my heart in God’s presence.

“Whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 

Matt's Baptism Testimony


Hello, my name is Matt. I am 13 years old. I was born in a Christian family, so I was used to Christianity and attending church. However, even though I grew up in a Christian home, I did not know the Lord personally. I just knew about him.

I have had a couple of moments in my life where I put my trust in Jesus, but there were two points that I really felt and experienced His presence. One time, about two years ago at Forest Home Winter Camp, during a service the director asked us to close our eyes and raise up our hands if we truly committed to Jesus as our Savior and Lord. That was the first time I felt God drawing me in to Himself, and I said yes to Jesus. Also, about that same period of time, I felt like my life did not have a purpose, especially in school. My parents understood what I was going through. I talked with my dad about this, and he shared events of his life and how God came in and made an impact. His story influences me because my relationship with my dad points me to a better relationship with my Heavenly Father.

Since knowing God, I realize he is the greatest gift I have. My relationship with the Lord enables me to have faith, and to reach out to Him in my struggles. For example, when I was stressed about my homework, I put my faith in God, and He helped me overcome this.

One of my favorite Bible verses I would like to share comes from Ephesians 2:8-10: “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” This passage reminds me that God loves me and Jesus has laid down his life for me, and all I have to do is accept him. Now that I know I am created for a purpose, it encourages me to know that He is making me into a masterpiece to glorify Him.

Jonathan's Baptism Testimony


Ever since I was seven years old, I had nosebleeds every night.  I would have to wake up to wipe blood from my face and stop the bleeding from my nose.  I’d already had a procedure done on both nostrils, but it did not help.  This happened for almost a year, and in that time, I prayed to God.  Every day, I wished that my nose would stop bleeding.  It didn’t seem like God heard my prayers because nothing happened at first.

Then, one day, my nose would not stop bleeding the whole day.  The trash was full of bloody tissues.  Since I already had a procedure done, the doctors couldn’t recommend any good treatments for us.  That night, my mother and I kneeled down, and we sincerely asked God to heal me because everything else had failed.  The next morning, my nose stopped bleeding!  We were very thankful that God stopped the nosebleeds that day, but we didn’t think it would last.  However, I haven’t had any major nosebleeds since then.  I might have a small one every six months, but nowhere near as bad as it used to.  This is truly a miracle.  From this experience, I learned that God hears all of my prayers, and He listened to everything.  This was my first encounter with God.

At the time, I was young, so I was not able to fully understand who God was.  However, from my experience, I learned that He existed and was very powerful.  Through my parents and my church’s sermons, I was able to learn more about who God was and how Jesus was sent to die on the cross for my sins.  I believe in Him because of Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice on the cross to forgive my sins.  As I grew older and became more mature, I came to fully understand the weight of Jesus’ actions, and I fully accepted Christ as my Father, savior, and forgiver of sins.

Since my initial encounter with Jesus at seven years old, He has continued to reveal Himself to me.  The most recent encounter I experienced was when I broke my left pinky finger playing dodgeball.  This prevented me from playing bass for about three months when I was waiting for it to heal. While I was waiting, I was unsure about God’s plan for me.  From my perspective, I thought I was doing a good thing playing bass for the church band every Sunday.  I enjoyed serving Him through the gift He gave me, and it didn’t make sense that I possibly might not ever be able to play bass again from a simple injury.  However, after waiting for my finger to heal and many sessions of physical therapy, I was able to use my finger again to play bass.  This encounter taught me to stop worrying about tomorrow because everything will happen according to God’s will.  It’s hard to let go and rely on God’s faithfulness alone, but God revealed that He listens to my prayers and I will always be safe in Him.  By putting my faith in Him, I have let God guide me through other parts of my life, such as my college application process.  Attending a Christian college was an important part of my college search, and it is heavily influencing my decision in what college to attend.

One of my favorite Bible verses is Isaiah 41:10, which says, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”  This verse shows how my strength is in God, and my faith in Him is what truly matters in my life.

Tons of Fun at Chick-Fil-A


When the girls ran toward the prize wheel to spin, we knew this was going to be exciting. Over and over they got back in line to try again for the prize they wanted. Pencil, lollipop, Easter lamb, gospel cube ... they got them all by the end. It took about 20 minutes for their dad to pull them away to eat. That was after making three craft crosses each and some more wheel spinning. They also entered their names several times for our prize drawing giveaway.

But the best part was when they asked "what's this" and pointed at the gospel story cube. Letty was right there and said, "it's the best story ever. It's about Jesus. Have you heard it before?" When they said no, she was so patient to take the time to share the story of Jesus with them and to tell them to read it on their own because Easter was coming up, and to visit us on Easter Sunday at Spectrum.

That's just one of the many highlights from our Family Fun Night at Chick-fil-A. It was awesome to connect with families in the community, with some past friends who stopped by, and with each other as the Spectrum community. The kids who came were really excited with the prize wheel and very engaged in the Easter cross craft, and the parents were thankful for giving their family a great time.